On Demand
Access your favorite classes anytime you want from wherever you want. Choose from a variety of formats in our On-Demand video library. This library also has instructional videos to help you get the most out of each exercise.
Our live virtual, full body classes are run through Zoom and an invitation to join the class is sent out to the roster 20 minutes prior to the start of class. We highly recommend downloading the Zoom desktop app to make for a more streamlined experience! The coach will be there to demonstrate all the exercises, guide you through the workout, and provide feedback and cues to help you get the most out of the class! These classes are designed to be done with minimal equipment.
Specialized programs
On-Demand programs available for mobility, pelvic floor health, hip strength and more. Our library is being updated regularly so keep checking to see what’s new.
This 12 week online program is meant for someone who is brand new to strength training. It starts with the basics and works up to a bit more getting you ready for our Momentum Program.
Momentum is our most popular training program. It is a thoughtful and well-rounded strength training program that provides video demonstrations of each exercise, detailed written descriptions of each exercise and modifications and alternatives for each exercise so that we can meet you where you’re at regardless of experience level and equipment availability.
Athletic Training
A comprehensive training program written by Jeff, a professional strength and conditioning coach. These programs are progressive and each month builds on the last. The focus on these programs is making progress in strength and getting kids ready for their season.